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Underwater Habitats - Understanding the form and geometry

Abstract - Life began in water and evolved from there on. Yet the higher order species evolved to live on land rather than water. With the increasing population and scarcity of land, the need to look for alternatives is crucial. Though space colonies have been proposed and are being worked on. Their feasibility and success rate remains of high concerned. With 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with water, it becomes one of the sensible options for expanding the housing network. Understanding the underwater and practical experimentation is necessary to bring out the best. Also to know how each and every structure withstands the hydraulic pressure deep within the naturally forming water bodies has to be understood in order to arrive at the best form. The form and geometry of the space further play an important role in deciding its divisions and the suitable materials that can withstand this pressure and is durable. Drawing inferences from similar underwater structures like the submarine and other underwater vessels will bring us closer to our mission. Also ensuring that permanent life underwater does not psychologically and mentally affect the inhabitant negatively. This has to be brought about by design interventions and use of proper technologies to let in sunlight, oxygen, and other important requirements. Underwater homes should also fall into an affordable category to suffice the need and be more feasible than any proposed space colony. This will be a direct result of the materials and techniques that will be employed. Thus touching upon those topics will significantly add to the sea of resources. All along the research, the main objective is to answer key questions like: How can we return to the origin of all life? Is housing underwater a practical solution to the increasing need for housing? What is the key design consideration for building homes underwater? In this research paper, the history and exist- ing examples are studied in order to understand the complexity of coming up with a habitable underwater space and the limitations involved. Design considerations pertaining to the form and geometry of the space is explored through case studies and conceptual models. This will help in further answering these questions moving towards the practical application of the knowledge gained in building underwater habitable spaces. A comparative study of existing structures will also be done to understand the resources and underwater better and significantly improve design efficiency. The challenges of incorporating natural, as well as artificial ventilation and air circulation, will be briefly touched upon. The pro- longed effects of staying underwater are studied and fair conclusion is to be drawn whether housing underwater can be a possible solution to the rising water levels, floods, and increasing population and to serve as a platform for further research. This research explores existing underwater built habitable environments to put forth a platform for further study on housing to be made a feasible and practical solution.

Keywords- Underwater habitat, housing, underwater exploration, housing solution, Form, Geometry


Underwater and space has been man’s dream since time immemorial. His eager adventures to explore these vast expanses has never died down. They have managed to awe us with spectacular and breath- taking visuals and events. Man has been in decades of exploration to understand this phenomenon and the unknown secrets. Yet quite little was possible in terms of making these habitable spaces for our kind. Earth provides for everyone’s needs but with increasing population and depleting resources; the lookout for a new habitable space has emerged. With Elon Musk prepared to begin the first space colony by 2020 on Mars and several others lined behind to create space colonies, a simple thought aris- es - what about our oceans and seas ? The expenses incurred for a space colony is several times higher than that would cost us to develop an underwater colony or city which is self sustaining or is parasitic in nature. The resources could be derived from the planet earth and with less pressure on the land, maybe we could give time for renewing its riches. Floating houses, underwater research labs, underwater hotels and restaurants have been in the picture for over three decades. The scope of having a housing solution underwater still remains at bay.

Throughout history, several researchers and aquanauts have spend all their live with this mind boggling question of having a housing colony underwater. Myths and stories describing the mysteries of under- water were passed on from generations indicating the mere curiosity of living underwater and sharing a space with the exotic marine life. Civilizations were born by the rivers and water bodies, holy scriptures and texts praised and glorified water as a precious gift, most living thing constitute more than 50% water, and water is the source of life.

The 18th century saw the publishing of novels and short stories based in underwater setting. Jules Vernes’ 20000 leagues under the sea being one of the most vivid narratives. Late 19th century saw the presenting of underwater and space colonies to better equip for the increase in population and the rising need for housing. This time saw the emergence of fairy tale concepts and far from realistic ideas pro- posed by renowned architects and engineers of the time.


An analytical and explorative research method is adopted where existing information is compiled to give a base for future study or research. Devising a new typology of habitable space underwater which can solve the issues of land scarcity, flooding and rising sea levels. Achieving this through understanding the dynamic nature of water and briefly understanding the forms that could be suitable for a under- water habitat in prolonged time period. The impacts of living underwater will be briefly touched upon taking into consideration several case studies. Looking into the different factors that play a key role in deciding upon a form keeping in mind the surroundings ( type of water - sea, ocean or fresh water bodies) as well as the inhabitant ( human scale, proportion, ergonomics). How does pressure work on underwater objects is briefly touched upon to arrive at the commonly used materials in the field and their properties. The evolution of forms and geometry of underwater vessels are looked into. Gathering in- formation and comparing the form and geometry of various underwater projects across the world. Those projects which have already begun in full swing and those that are at conceptual stages. Also projects which do not necessarily serve as a habitat are studied to get a broader perspective on the challenges faced. Understanding the thought process behind each of those projects and breaking it down into the chart of familiarized set of geometry. Delving into the depths to understand more about these projects which never came into picture. The reasons behind their failures and what design considera- tions pertaining to their forms should have been looked into. Compiling the analytical data from similar researches and drawing conclusions regarding their shapes. The context, typology and working status of some projects are discussed. The case studies include Jules Undersea Lodge, Porto Rica; The Con- shelf I, Conshelf II and Conshelf III; Floating Seahorse Villa, Dubai; Atlantis - The Palm, Dubai; Utter Inn, Stockholm; Poseidon Undersea Resort, Fiji; Subsix, Maldives; Ithaa Undersea restaurant, Mal- dives; Aquarius Research Facility , Florida and Tektite, US Virgin Islands. The concept discussions in- clude Water discuss hotel, Dubai, H2OME by US Submarines and Underwater city Sub Biospher - II by Phil Pauley. The conclusions pertaining to the form from the case studies will be presented in a tabular form for easy understanding. Lastly, certain research findings coupled with new pathways for further research is undertaken.



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Author – Reshmy Raphy, B.Arch 4th year, School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada; reshmy-

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