Indian began mass vaccination starting May 1st and the entire country stood confused as to vaccinate or not drowning in a pool of unverified WhatsApp forwards and rumors. While that may be the case for them, I will let you on to my vaccination story. Just like my airport story, my vaccination story is quite a long and adventurous one. It all started in January 2021. As a person who was keen to participate in the vaccination trials but had to step back for the sake of the sanity of my parents; I was the first one to register for the vaccination as soon as they had started giving it out to the public.
Unlike my friend who wants to die doing something for the country, I look forward to dying while doing something insane and adventurous.
My vaccination center and date soon arrived. I had registered for the first of its kind vaccine, Pfizer. Our options were Pfizer, Covishield, and Sinofarm. And I being the adventurous type, dived straight for Pfizer. I was more than excited to get my shot and happily went to the health center to get my shot.
Long story short, I was denied my shot because I didn’t have the updated smart card (Smart card is the ID card for all residents in Bahrain ) in my possession even though it was updated and valid in the system. I was the most disappointed person in the vaccination hall and I returned home.
Two days later, I received my updated smart card by post. Apparently, it had arrived at the post office a week ago but they didn’t bother to send it over.
I registered myself for the vaccination again as soon as I got my hands on my smart card. Guess what happens next. Pfizer stops their production in an attempt to maximize their production limit and as a result, their shipment is delayed. Which means I had to wait in uncertainty. By this time, over a month had passed and my family members slowly drew enough courage to get them registered for the vaccine. My sister registered herself for all the vaccines available and got a registration for Covishield which was the only vaccine in stock during that time. I remained adamant and wanted to get the first of its kind mRNA vaccine, Pfizer. This was when my father was asked to get a detailed check-up in our home country since they found a lot of uncertain variables in his health. It was decided. I was to accompany him and so had to get started on the vaccination procedure before traveling. With a not so willing heart, I registered myself for Covishield and I got my shot in a day. So much for getting the more famous and adventurous vaccine.
The following week was the posted twisted one in my life. My father fell ill and had to be rushed to ER. We had to transfer him to a hospital in India once he was stabilized. Those two weeks belong to a phase I clearly and hazily remember at the same time. I don’t know how to put it into words.
Once the storm around us settled, we remembered about our vaccination schedule. My sister had received both her shot. I, Amma and Papa had each received the first shot of Covishield and were almost over our second dose schedule. Before I proceed I have to put down the rumor that the Pfizer vaccination was responsible for my father’s kidney failure. This is ridiculous since ;
He didn’t get the Pfizer vaccination
Medical tests and medical practitioners confirmed otherwise
Let us head back to the story since I hope I have successfully clarified the rumor.
After we started wondering about our second dose standing clueless in a country that was the highest producer of the vaccine but was yet to start vaccination for anyone below the age of 60. WHO comes to our rescue by extending the vaccination period from 4 weeks to 8 weeks. That means we just got extra four weeks to figure out a solution. There aren’t any health departments left in our country whom we haven’t called and enquired with. The government soon started vaccination for people above the age of 45 years and my parents were lucky enough to get their shots before 8 weeks. Now, I remained the only one who didn’t get her second shot despite being the most excited and first person to register for the vaccine. WHO came to my rescue again. 8 weeks were extended to 12 weeks. If this isn’t destiny, I don’t know what else is. I came back to Bahrain last week and I got my appointment for the second dose as soon as my arrival was confirmed and my first PCR Test gave a negative result. Finally, after the long chase, I got my second dose last week and I am as happy as I could be.
Unlike Paulo Coelho's statement, it seemed like the entire universe was against me getting the vaccination.
During this time, while most of them saw the vaccination as a scam and profitable business, my family yearned to get our second dose. It was a different kind of feeling. You wouldn’t get it. But there is something you should get. And that is the vaccine.
I had to travel and make a lot of visits to hospitals and places that were most prone to cover infection just because they were unavoidable. If all my 8 PCR tests returned negative, that must mean something. Doesn’t it?
So go get yourself registered for the vaccine and be a responsible citizen by getting both the doses on the right schedule. Remember, you are not getting vaccinated just for yourself but for your family and fellow citizens too. Don’t you miss not wearing masks and going to parties? Oh wait a minute, you guys are still doing all that like a bunch of irresponsible idiots. Stop just stop! Stop believing that the pandemic is no more and wearing masks is a sham. Be responsible, act responsible and save your country and protect your loved ones.
Hoping to see responsible folks ready to end this fierce battle with Corona once and for all.
Pro Vaxxer