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Writer's pictureReshmy Raphy

I played Poker with the devil and won with a Royal Flush

Before you read this, let me tell you how this post isn’t about poker or anything even remotely related to the title like all my other blog posts. (Well I did learn the game of poker so maybe not like entirely unrelated)

At a glimpse it would be:

I got reply from BTS V, donated a kidney to my dad, and learning and perfecting poker, braille, Korean and morse code ( My over achieving ass is super proud ).

Where do I begin or rather how do I begin? It has been quite some time since I updated this blog.

To all confused souls, today marks the one-month anniversary of my dad’s transplant surgery. Well coincidently, it also marks the one-month anniversary of my donating a kidney. Shocking right!?

A year ago, things fell to hell and burned out our wings. For a long time, I thought this would be my villain origin story. But as destiny would have it, it turned out to be my character development story. My friends tell me how dramatic I am and turns out that my life is just as dramatic. To summarise everything that had happened over this one year would be an injustice to what we went through and so I would be exploring each part of the journey as we get back to our feet; slow and steady.

Today, I just want to express my gratitude for all the things that went wrong and all that went right. In this game of luck and chance, I must say things are looking brighter and definitely happier. We have successfully surpassed the most difficult hurdles and hopefully, there aren’t many hard ones ahead. March 9th, 2022 would definitely be the most unforgettable day of my life even though I was barely conscious for an hour or two. The assisting staff were surprised and shocked in equal amounts to see me excited and eager like a 10-year-old waiting for the picnic bus. The most adventurous trip I have ever taken to bring back our happy family together (I’m still as dramatic). For once, I didn’t know what it would be like after the trip. The journey definitely made me the hero but I remember waking up to see a face who stood strong and bright. And that face is what will keep me going.

A father who has to see his daughter going into surgery when he had dreamt of all bright things for her, a mother who has to stay strong and brave while her husband and daughter would be wheeled into surgery, a girl in her early twenties who was terrified yet brave to wish upon the stars for her father and sister, and a 24-year-old girl who took upon herself to play the gamble. All of them with one thought in common; to get out of this mess healthy and happy.

I have said this before and I will say it again and again. My mother is the strongest and bravest person I have ever seen. Seeing off your husband and daughter into an 8-hour long surgery isn’t what ordinary mothers have to do. But again our lives did stop being ordinary a long time ago.

Waiting alone by the phone to get updates from the surgery wasn’t something she would have even imagined in her worst nightmares. At least, now I know where my brave cells come from.

Today marks the one-month anniversary of our hope, our trust, our bravery, and our sacrifices coming to fruition. Today also marks the one-month anniversary of one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Today marks the one-month anniversary of a 15-year-old girl's dream to be an organ donor and save a life. And today marks the one-month anniversary of our break from the hell of a rollercoaster ride.

The giveaway of today's blog post is simple...

Read about live organ donation. Donate an organ. The experience of being a live donor is something beyond words and despite being a decent writer, I find it difficult to put into a coherent sentence.

If you are terrified to be a live donor, it is totally okay and there is nothing shameful. You can always sign up to be a donor upon death which saves way more lives than you think. So how about we pledge our organs?

The link below is for the All India Donor card:

This link is for the Kerala State Donor Card (Each state has its respective donor card)

In conclusion,

Would totally recomend it. 5 Stars rating. Amazing experience. Best decision.

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