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Writer's pictureReshmy Raphy


Updated: Jun 18, 2019

We all are a part of mechanical life. Everyone is a part of a race. God alone knows what this race is for!

As soon as a child is born; GET! SET! GO! That's our world today. Competitive and mechanical. Each and every second of our lives; Run! Run! Run...!

' Life is a race! Keep running! Otherwise, someone might overtake you !'

' What race? Which race? Why this race? ' if someone asks these questions then that person is a fool! He does not know how to live! He is a loser. This is the mindset of the people out there.

We just do have this single life, you only live once, then why this race for? For money? For fame?

There are more things valuable than money. I do not mean to say money is nothing, but money is not everything!

Let's see through the mechanical life of a child,

1) Born, next start talking.

2) join the school, score high

3) by heart by heart by heart ...

4) go for tuition - because everyone does and not because you need it!

5) Go for 10 years or so integrated intensive coaching for entrance exams...( because only doctors and engineers can live ! )

6) no sleep, work work work

7) get placements offering crores as salary package

8) get married if you got time

9) work work work

10) work overtime for promotions

11) raise children and force them into the same race because everyone else does so...!

The race continues. The blind race with nothing to hold onto.

Many might not agree with me.

"Come on you should be practical." They might say.

But friends,

Our world was not at all like this and it can be a lot different.

I too faced this situation when I wanted to pursue Architecture :

' Girls don't go for these courses, you shouldn't too. Be a teacher or something, after that get married and lead a happy life.'

But my definition for happiness is different and I am ready to face all odds that come by.

There was a time when people respected other jobs and gave the freedom to choose what he or she wants to , a time when people valued experiences rather than money, a time when children meant innocence and playful, a time when exploring the nature was just right, a time when everyone didn't force their kids into engineering and medicine when they knew they can't cope up.

Most importantly,

A time when people were living their lives and not running a blind race.

It's difficult to get that time back. But at least if some of them do care, live life! It's just once you live, live it meaningfully. Its never too late to explore.

If someone stops you, tell them that the robot in you is dead. You can think, you have a heart, you have a passion!

Want for what your heart calls ours for!

You will prosper! You may not have a fat bank balance but definitely, you will have happy and satisfied heart, human life and not a robotic one!

This year,  if there is someone who gets my message, if there is someone who cares, if there is someone who can think, change ! Change for good!

You will have a meaningful life!

If you still choose to be the robot then,

Get set!

1, 2, 3 GO!

No questions! No thinking! Just run! The blind race continues ....!

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